Saturday, May 1, 2010

That's NOT Indie Rock!

Dear American teenagers,

Just because a band has successfully imitated Death Cab For Cutie's sound that does NOT mean they are Indie Rock. In the same way that imitating Nirvana in the 90s didn't make a band "grunge". And what is the fascination with the word "emo"? Do any of you even know what the word means? I can't stand the labels people insist on putting on bands. In my teens, the term "alternative" started floating around. What's wrong with just calling something what it is? Is it good or bad? Seriously... what is "alternative" music supposed to be an alternative to? The garbage on the radio? What about "alternative" radio stations? I don't get it. Either it's good music or it isn't. STOP LABELING! Indie music used to mean something that was independently produced. Could be hip-hop or could sound like The Shins... STOP LABELING!

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