Friday, February 12, 2010

Am I Alone?

How can Americans, given our remarkable musical contributions, not demand more from the music they listen to? I just read the Billboard Top 10. Obviously, it is mostly young kids that listen to this stuff... or is it? Suddenly, the names of "bands" that my Facebook "friends" refer to appeared. I felt obliged to listen to each song. What a stupefying collection of banal garbage is the Billboard chart! I suppose some of you may be wondering if I just reached that conclusion. Obviously not... but, I just have to remind myself that my musical journey, no matter how hard, is well worth it! But, when I see the album sales I am still left with a burning question! Am I alone here? Is there anyone else out there (NOT wearing a ridiculous outfit that took more time to put together than those of the folks it is trying to annoy) that listens to thoughtful, creative music?

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