Friday, June 11, 2010

Forgotten 90s Gem

During middle school I signed myself up for BMG's 12 for the price of 1 deal. Actually, I did it several times at once using my sister's name and my dad. Also, I would cancel after I paid and then do it again. Anyway, after I had gotten everything they had to offer that I knew I wanted I began choosing things at random.

I had heard of this band called Quicksand, but didn't know much about them. I had heard that they sounded a bit like Helmet. That would turn out not to be true exactly, but I liked it!

So, I got the record Manic Compression. It starts out rolling and seemed to pick up right in the middle of a story and even though I didn't know how the story started I understood what was happening. This record was full of energy and was just what I was looking for...

I played it for some friends who promptly went out and bought Quicksand's earlier record, Slip. These records were not necessarily prophetic. But, they had an undeniable presence. They were confident and competent and I liked the fact that no one else knew who they were! Somehow, these guys escaped notice; possibly because of timing. Regardless, they have been forgotten and, as this record is shockingly cheap, anyone interested in harder rock ought to hit re-wind and dig 'em up!

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